Why Dumpster Cleaning and Maintenance is Important

21 March 2023

Why Dumpster Cleaning and Maintenance is Important 

Hundreds of pounds of garbage and recycling travel down trash chutes each week and drop into the dumpsters at the bottom of the building, or heavy bags are tossed in, and the lids slammed open and shut if they reside in an outdoor corral. The bags are susceptible to ripping open or breaking on impact allowing all types of liquids, detergents, and organic waste to leak out. Eventually, this hodgepodge of ingredients becomes the disgusting and putrid substance pooled at the bottom of the container known as garbage juice and it smells BAD. Regular dumpster cleaning and maintenance is crucial to keep the garbage odor in check. Below is a list we compiled with other reasons that it is important to stick to a dumpster cleaning schedule. 

1. Prevent Rodent and Pest Infestations

Anyone who has been stuck behind a garbage truck on the road is probably familiar with this stench – it’s unforgettable. Imagine how potent it must be when trapped in a confined area with little to no air circulation? However, the unpleasant odor is the least of your worries. As much as humans despise it, rodents and bugs love it! It attracts them from everywhere, outside and in. Ensuring the dumpster containers are cleaned regularly is one of the first steps in a proactive pest management plan and helps to keep infestations to a minimum.

2. Kill Hazardous Mold and Bacteria 

Frequent garbage dumpster cleaning will also help your property avoid mold, mildew, and bacteria infestations. Garbage juice has all the organic matter it needs and sits just at the right temperature for all kinds of disgusting growth. Under the right conditions, these things can flourish in just a few days and it’s a lot harder to treat them once they’ve really had a chance to spread. We suggest using Spartan Chemical Companys Consume Natures Way Odor Eliminator or Consume Eco-Lyzer Neutral Disinfectant. 

Natures Way Odor Eliminator is a cleaner, odor eliminator, stain remover, and drain maintainer. It naturally removes difficult organic soils from many surfaces including tile, concrete, steel, and carpet. Regular use of Consume eliminates organic build-up in drains, keeping them clear and odor-free. Cleans and eliminates odors on floors, in dumpsters, recycling containers, and portable toilets. Ideal for cleaning and odor control in many areas, such as carpets, drains, dumpsters, and more

Consume Eco-Lyzer is a neutral disinfectant cleaner with residual odor control that reduces janitorial labor by cleaning, disinfecting, and digesting residual organic soils with one product. Multi-surface safe with a neutral pH, Eco-Lyzer is safe to use on most floors, including concrete, ceramic, terrazzo, marble, slate, rubber, VCT, and painted surfaces. Use in bathrooms, stadiums, zoos, kennels, dumpsters, trash bins, loading docks, and portable toilets.

Click here to see the entire Consume line. 

3. Buy Fewer New Dumpsters

Keeping the juice at bay isn’t just helpful in the fight against bacteria, smells, and rodents. It’s also a great way to extend the life of your dumpster. Although they are made from galvanized steel to stop rust and painted for another layer of protection, they still suffer a lot of wear and tear. Dumpsters are always being abused. They’re picked up by trucks, slammed on the ground, and pushed all over the place. Eventually, they end up with holes and dents and that’s when the garbage juice can really cause damage. 

4. Do Your Part in Controlling Wastewater Pollution 

When there are cracks and holes in your trash dumpster garbage juice can seep out, freeze, and expand when it’s cold or speeds up rust when it’s warm. Once the juice is out it can also run into building drains, storm drains, and grass areas. This has to be avoided as much as possible. All those chemicals and bacteria leaking into the water treatment system and the environment are extremely unhealthy.

Daily Dumpster Maintenance Chart


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