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Winter Break Deep Cleaning in Schools

15 December 2022
Winter Break Deep Cleaning in Schools

Winter months tend to keep students and faculty cooped up indoors, causing germs to spread more easily and for dirt to accumulate. With students spending an average 14,000 hours in school from first grade until they graduate high school, ensuring a clean learning environment helps promote health, safety, and productivity, while reducing long-term maintenance costs that affect tight school budgets.

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Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines and Their Uses

02 December 2022
Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines and Their Uses

Cleaning and maintaining commercial floors is a never-ending process. There's routine care (cleaning and scrubbing), interim tasks (buffing and burnishing), and restorative work (stripping and refinishing). All told, floor care can easily make up a large percentage of the time on any cleaning contract.

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Floor Neutralizer vs Neutral Floor Cleaner

28 November 2022
Floor Neutralizer vs Neutral Floor Cleaner

It seems floor neutralizer and neutral floor cleaner gets confused a lot. Using the correct product, in the correct manner, can save you hours of hard work and frustration.

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The Benefits of Cleaning with Microfiber

14 November 2022
The Benefits of Cleaning with Microfiber

Microfiber technology may be the most significant product innovation to the cleaning industry in the last century. It’s a quick and easy switch toward helping preserve environmental resources. In using microfiber material, you'll find that the key benefits extend beyond your workers' wellness. It helps protect the environment by reducing both your contribution to the waste stream and the use of water and harmful chemicals. In some cases, microfiber can totally eliminate water and chemical usage altogether.

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Benefits Of Chemical Dilution Dispensers In Your Facility

03 October 2022
Benefits Of Chemical Dilution Dispensers In Your Facility

Chemical dilution systems are designed to mix specially formulated concentrate chemicals with water accurately. The purpose of a system like this is that you’ll spend less on cleaners because you can buy concentrated versions for much cheaper than their pre-diluted counterparts, which you may already be doing and mixing yourself.

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Commercial Cleaning vs. Residential Cleaning: What’s the Difference?

Commercial Cleaning vs. Residential Cleaning: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to the world of cleaning, there are two distinct service types available: commercial cleaning and residential cleaning. There are a few key differences that make the two cleaning options appropriate for different buildings and cleaning needs. The most obvious difference is the facility type, including sanitary requirements and use schedules which dictate when a commercial cleaning company is needed over a residential one; but there are other differences. This blog will discuss and dissect commercial and residential cleaning services, and the context in which each is most appropriate.

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Types of Mops

Types of Mops

From busy kitchens to school hallways, mops are essential for keeping your floors sparkling clean. Sometimes it can seem like a never-ending task to keep up with your high-trafficked floors, but the right mop can make your floor cleaning easier and more effective. Learn all about the different types of mops so you can choose the best tool for your application.

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